Your Hospital Stay

Rehabilitation is the final stepping-stone on your journey home. At Seneca Rehabilitation Hospital, we prioritize helping patients reach maximum independence in effort to return to their prior levels of function through a personalized schedule of therapy, nursing care, and daily living activities.

What To Expect


  • An initial exam by a physician or nurse practitioner
  • Physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy started within the rst 24-36 hours


  • 24/7 care from our Skilled Nursing staff
  • Visits with your Case Manager
  • Minimum of comprehensive 3 hours of therapy (5 days per week)


  • Check-ins from your doctor at least three times per week
  • Interdisciplinary Team Meetings (IDT) to track patients’ progress, discuss on-going care, and plan discharge disposition
Hospital Services

Interdisciplinary Care

From therapists and physicians to dieticians and case managers, we provide a comprehensive support system to help our patients reach their rehabilitation goals.


A nurse will oversee your daily care, assist you with daily routines, administer and monitor medications, and collaborate with other team members to ensure you are on track to reach your rehabilitation goals.

Team Communication

We understand that collaboration and clear communication are essential to quality care. Every patient’s room is equipped with a Communication Board, where rehab team members can list important admission information and progress updates. Your medical team meets regularly to review your current level of function, discuss challenges, and track your progress toward rehabilitation goals.

Case Management

Your Case Manager will plan, organize, and evaluate resources to ease your transition from hospital to home. Typical assistance includes discharge coordination, education on benets and housing options, help with transportation, and follow-ups with you and your family upon your return home.


Your therapy team is comprised of specialists in the following areas:

Physical Therapy: Focused on restoring physical function through exercises around balance, strengthening muscles, mobility, pain management, and endurance.

Occupational Therapy: Treatment to help patients regain independence by strengthening skills related to vocational responsibilities and daily living activities.

Speech Therapy: Addresses cognitive impairments, speech-related challenges and swallowing disorders so patients can communicate their wants and needs effectively.